Cancer is a journey, but you don’t have to take it alone

How can oncology massage help?

Cancer can come into our lives directly or indirectly, bringing change, fear and anxiety. Having support and understanding are important to bring control back into our everyday lives.

Oncology massage can be an amazing benefit during this challenging this time.

How does it work?

Massage has been around for thousands of years and is scientifically proven to help with both physical and mental health.

When battling cancer the treatment can feel worse than the disease itself. Often the only touch felt is linked with pain from treatment. Many people begin to fear touch at this time.

Humans are social creatures who need touch, and oncology massage brings gentle, healing touch back into your life. All oncology massages are given with care and compassion, helping to settle your nervous system and reset the signals used by your nerves.

Cancer massage also helps mental health through the release of serotonin and dopamine, both hormones which help us feel better. This is a natural way of improving your mental health without more medication or side effects.

There are times when the treatment leaves us in odd positions for long periods of time or having to move differently due to ports etc.  Cancer massage helps release tension in muscles and relief from stiffness.

Carers also need care

“You cannot give from an empty glass” is an important saying to always remember. By looking after yourself, you are better able to look after others.

Being the support person for a loved one going through cancer is hard. Often you put your own health to one side, giving everything to the person who is in need.

This can be result in resting and sleeping in awkward or uncomfortable places, eating fast food or even just driving to and from appointments. This can leave you feeling sore, stiff or even in pain. Regular massages help keep the aches and pain at bay, allowing you to continue giving your best to your loved one.

Your mental heath also takes a serious blow at this time. This can make us feel small, the fear of loss or even look at the possibility of death. Massage is a calm, safe place to just be and let everything out without judgement, allowing you to reset before getting back in to support your loved one.

When the battle has been won

Battling cancer can leave many scars, both seen and unseen.

Recovery can be a long slow process feeling as hard as the battle just won. Massage is able to help you get back to being your old self again.

Muscles that are stiff, sore or in pain can be released, enabling full range of movement and strength to return.

Our nervous system is both amazing and annoying. When the nerves have been left a tangled mess from treatment, massage helps calm and de-sensitive them, leaving you feeling freer and more able to rest.

Massage is also a great way to celebrate your success and feel alive once more. Used as a treat and a reward for winning the battle and living the life you want to live.

Book your appointment

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021 0263 3821